Sunday, August 17, 2008


come alone to this unwholesome spot
    shut off from the passersby
where the garbage sprawls over acres
    and I recognize my collected consciousness
site of every care and feeling I disinherited
    and the air smells like the entrails of a disembodied animal

now I know how my natural spring of joy went underground
    choked up and went underground
buried by this debris
    no wonder!
I realize my fear of discovery
    cost me more dearly than any of those paltry sins
I hid    alas!

mcmlxx__ (rev. mmviii)


Tom Hamrin said...

Some good poetry for a change, it doesn't occur on the internet much. Although there is not much personal detail in your work (non-confessional) there is much variety in the word choice.

Susannah Anderson said...

Laurie was encouraged by your comment, and says, "Thank you."

(I'm the scribe, Wanderin' Weeta.)